
Showing posts from January, 2021

Using a Bicycle in a trainer as a Game Controller in The Crew ( previously in TDU2)

Disclaimer - I'm writing this because I've been asked to but I'm having way too much fun using this to spend a lot of time writing about it. If you want to see more of my stuff then follow me @makerofadventures on Instagram. ( ) Stripes in screenshots and video are an artefact of phone camera frame rate - they aren't there when playing. TLDR: How I built my Virtual Bicycle The Backstory  March 2020:  lockdown one in the UK hits and we at Orion's lodge are told we cannot travel more than five miles for non-essential purposes. March is where the weather in Scotland starts to improve again and I'd normally jump in my Jeep Renegade Trailhawk and go exploring - driving round exploring ever smaller back roads and sometimes even further is very much a hobby of mine.  But Orion's Lodge is all about bringing technology into a small area to try to create or recreate unique outdoor experiences, from our Bug Safari rides to an